On behalf of Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins, he would like to thank the SRA Community for being one of the top raising schools in the Archdiocese of Toronto for ShareLife. Please read the following letter attached.
News Stories
I Walk To School
The YCDSB Active School Travel Team is requesting for schools to promote International Walk to School Month (IWALK). IWALKmonth officially starts on October 3rd, 2018. IWALK month is an annual mass celebration of active transportation taking place around the world every October. Our school is joining the movement by encouraging all students to WALK to and from school for the month of October. In addition, ... Continue reading "I Walk To School"
St. Andre Bessette Gala
Father Peter would like to see all of you at this year’s St. Andre Bessette Gala. See the attached information.
Orange Shirt Day
On October 1, 2018, our school will participate in Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is intended to promote healing, understanding, and reconciliation in our YCDSB Catholic school communities, where Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and staff study, work and pray together each day.
Wear something orange on October 1st.
Safety Awareness Week
The week of September 24th to September 28th has been designated as “Safety Awareness Week.” During this week, we will be rehearsing a variety of emergency school procedures to acquaint students and staff with the precautionary steps to take in the event of such things as a warning of severe weather, an intruder or a bomb threat. In addition, throughout the year, we will hold ... Continue reading "Safety Awareness Week"
St. André Bessette IGNITE Youth Group
Calling all youth Grades 6 – 8. The St. André Bessette Youth group will be starting on Friday, September 28th. See the attached flyer for more information.