SRA is helping to support the St. Vincent Winter Coat Drive. Please donate your slightly used winter coats and apparels by Oct 15th to the school.
SRA is helping to support the St. Vincent Winter Coat Drive. Please donate your slightly used winter coats and apparels by Oct 15th to the school.
Welcome to October and the wonderful Fall weather we are experiencing.
Please take a moment to read through our October Newsletter and post on your fridge our Month at a Glance
This is a program for students in Grades 7 and 8.
Join the St. Elizabeth Beginner Elementary Band: a great way to learn band instruments, meet other students in the board and perform twice a year at the YCDSB Centre of Performing Arts.
Making music with friends creates a sense of belonging, lifelong fun memories, and promotes mental well-being!
... Continue reading "Beginner Elementary Band Music Program – Grades 7 & 8"
St. Andre Bessette Parish is preparing a registration informational night for parents of students in Grade 2 & 7 receiving their Sacrament this year.
In order to have your child receive the Sacrament of First Confession and First Holy Communion or Confirmation, one of the parents or a guardian, must attend the parent information session offered below for each of the following schools: ... Continue reading "SACRAMENT REGISTRATIONS 2024-2025"
The YCDSB is excited to share School Mental Health Ontario’s top Parent/Caregiver resources have been updated and are now live on their site. This includes:
How to Support a Mentally Healthy Back to School for Your Child
Helping Your Child Manage Digital Technology
Suicide Prevention Guide for Parents and Caregivers ... Continue reading "School Mental Health Ontario Parent/Caregiver Resources"
Our Catholic School Council elections are now underway. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for election to the Council, or if you would like to nominate a candidate, please complete this Google form: All submissions must be received by Thursday, September 12, 2024, 3:00pm. Should we have more than the required submissions, our voting date will be Wednesday, September ... Continue reading "SRA CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2024-2025"