News Stories
St. Raphael the Archangel CES is now starting a spirit and grad wear promotion. If you need new spirit wear for school, you can now order your requirements online. Simply ‘click’ our school icon to see the garments available. Purchasing items will be open from Oct 14th to Nov 4th. Please use the following link to place orders:
Gr 2 & Gr 7 Sacramental Registration Deadline
October Newsletter
Thanksgiving Food Drive at SRA
Dear Parents/Guardians of St. Raphael the Archangel CES,
The community of St. Raphael the Archangel CES will be partnering with our Parish, St. Andre Bessette, and the Vaughan Food Drive to assist families in need during this season of gratitude from Oct 4-8th, 2021.
Bins will be placed outside near the entrance of the school from 8 am until 4:00pm daily. ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving Food Drive at SRA"
Catholic School Council 2021-2022
The following 15 Nominees for this year’s Catholic School Council are acclaimed. On behalf of our school community, we congratulate our members and thank you in advance for the time and commitment you are making to support our students. Our General CSC meeting for the 2021-22 school year will be held on October 7th at 7:00 pm via Google Meet for members. A livestream link ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council 2021-2022"