
News Stories

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

The week of November 21-27th is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment.  During this month of November, students have been participating in Guest Speaker Presentations and teacher lead lessons around Bullying Prevention. We will renew our commitment to treat everyone with dignity, kindness and respect and promote a safe, welcoming and positive school environment for all. ... Continue reading "Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week"

PARENT WEBINAR: Surviving the Holidays

YCDSB together with the York Catholic Parent Involvement Committee, are excited to co-host a webinar from Pine River Institute’s Center for Family Initiatives: Surviving the Holidays: The most wonderful stressful time of the year. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, December 9 at 7 pm and is open to all YCDSB school communities.  Please see the flyer link.

Cardinal Carter CHS-Comprehensive & IB Programs

Dear Grade 8 Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

This is a message from the Cardinal Carter School Community about our Virtual Open House and registration for the Comprehensive Program and application to the IB Program.

Comprehensive Program Registration:

Registration information for the comprehensive program will be posted on our website November 18, 2021.  All Grade 8 students interested in attending Cardinal Carter whether ... Continue reading "Cardinal Carter CHS-Comprehensive & IB Programs"


Dear SRA families,

The Catholic School Council(CSC)  is so incredibly excited to be back in action this year. We are bringing back one of our favorite fundraisers from a few years ago, the birthday card box with an additional option to purchase a Christmas card box. Please take the time to read the flyer and connect to the link provided  to ... Continue reading "CSC FUNDRAISER: BIRTHDAY & CHRISTMAS CARD BOXES"