
News Stories

Grades 7-12 Pathways Speakers Series: Post-Secondary Destinations

Students and parents from grades 7 to 12 will have the opportunity to explore a variety of post-secondary pathways options ranging from: college, university, and apprenticeship. Some speakers include: Seneca, Humber, Ryerson, University of Toronto and York University and a representative from the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum and more.

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Topic: Pathways Speakers Series – Postsecondary Destinations


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Online Remote Learning January 5-14, 2022

Happy New Year and Welcome Back to our Students and Families.

The Staff at St. Raphael the Archangel, welcome back our students from their Christmas Break. Students begin online remote learning from    January 5 to 14th.  Students continue to follow their regular school schedule; Teachers will begin at 8:50 a.m. each morning for attendance and morning announcements.  In our remote learning environment, students ... Continue reading "Online Remote Learning January 5-14, 2022"

Recording of Parent Webinar: Surviving the Holidays: The most wonderful stressful time of the year.

Together with the York Catholic Parent Involvement Committee, the department of Student Services at YCDSB, co-hosted a webinar from Pine River Institute’s Center for Family Initiatives: Surviving the Holidays: The most wonderful stressful time of the year. 

The recording of the webinar can be found on the YCDSB Youtube channel here

York Catholic District School Board Update to Families

December 15, 2021

Dear Families,

With only a few days left until the Christmas break, I would like to share with you a few updates. But first, on behalf of the senior leadership team, I would like to once again express our deepest gratitude for your continued support as we work together to navigate the second year of this ever changing ... Continue reading "York Catholic District School Board Update to Families"