
News Stories


Safety Awareness Week at YCDSB School: September 25-29th.

During this week, staff and students will be rehearsing a variety of emergency school procedures to acquaint students and staff with the precautionary steps to take in the event of such things as a warning of severe weather, or an intruder. In addition, throughout the year we will hold practice drills to acquaint students with ... Continue reading "SAFTEY AWARENESS WEEK Sept 25-28th"

Catholic School Council 2023-2024

The education of our students is entrusted with a shared responsibility of Staff, Students, Families, and Parish.  As an advisory council,  members on our Catholic School Council are entrusted to help build a community based on partnership and the values of our faith.  The focus and recommendations generated by the Council are school-wide on all issues.

SRA Staff would like to welcome

... Continue reading "Catholic School Council 2023-2024"

Catholic School Council Elections 2023-2024

Catholic School Council members have a special commitment to their school. They demonstrate enthusiasm, a desire to make a difference and a willingness to contribute in a meaningful way to strengthen the partnership between school, home and parish. 

If you would like to put your name forward and become an active participant in your child’s education, please call the school office at 289 ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council Elections 2023-2024"

September 5th: First Day of School Newsletter

Welcome Back to all our students and families and a warm welcome to our new students and families to SRA.  Below you will find our first newsletter of the school year. Please take a moment to read through the newsletter prior to Sept 5th.  This year families will receive an email, after 4 pm on Monday, September 4th, notifying them of their child(ren) class placement. ... Continue reading "September 5th: First Day of School Newsletter"