Category: General


Our school will be taking part in National Sweater Day on Thursday, February 7th. National Sweater Day is an annual event organized by World Wildlife Fund Canada. On National Sweater Day, WWF asks Canadians to turn down thermostats by two degrees Celsius at home, at school and at work to highlight the role that energy conservation plays in preventing climate change. Our school buildings will ... Continue reading "SRA’s ECO/GREEN TEAM"

I Walk To School

The YCDSB Active School Travel Team is requesting for schools to promote International Walk to School Month (IWALK). IWALKmonth officially starts on October 3rd, 2018.  IWALK month is an annual mass celebration of active transportation taking place around the world every October. Our school is joining the movement by encouraging all students to WALK to and from school for the month of October.  In addition, ... Continue reading "I Walk To School"