Welcome Catholic School Council Members 2022-2023

We would like to welcome the following acclaimed nominees to our Catholic School Council this school year.  On Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at our first council meeting we will be electing members for the Executive, Parish, Community, and OAPCE positions.  The meeting will be held in the school library at 7:00 pm, SRA parents are welcome.

Members: Sabrina Ferrari, Jennifer Barci, Claudia Astudillo, Nada Nicoletti, Ilean Dosian, Christina Mahdessian, Antonietta Maione, Rina Janicijevic, Lisa DiSalvo, Anita Martellacci, Laura Stipani, Stella Kostopoulos, Nadia Pecchia, Agostino Facciolo, Aslam Baksh, Sabrina Vesanen, Glenda Rustamally, Lorena Szakacs, Angie Zayas, Jennifer Sicilia.