Month: March 2020

SRA’s 10th Anniversary – POSTPONED

Although we are excited to celebrate our 1oth anniversary, we must follow the YCDSB’s decision to postpone all Board and school events in April and May.  I know this will be disappointing for many, but the decision was made in an abundance of caution given the COVID-19 situation.   Current families, you will continue to receive information by email.


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Knock Your Socks Off

This year, SRA will be participating in the Lots of Socks Awareness Campaign .  We are inviting all students and staff to wear mismatched socks and donate a toonie in support of our friends living with Down Syndrome.  Prizes will be given for the most creative looking socks!  In addition,  we will sell ice cream for $2.00 to support Down Syndrome York Region ... Continue reading "Knock Your Socks Off"

Collecting Crayola Markers

As part of our continuous efforts to divert waste from landfills, our Green Team/Eco Team collects used markers that no longer work & sends them to @Crayola  as part of their #crayolaCOLORcycle program.  We believe every bit counts & no deed is too small.  Thank you to our dedicated students and teacher leads, Ms. Abbruzzese, Mr. Ferracane, Ms. Piroli and Ms. ... Continue reading "Collecting Crayola Markers"